June 4, 2012 Jesi

Lunch is a strange meal, isn’t it?  For me, there’s next to no consistency in when I get hungry for lunch from day to day.  Some days my stomach starts rumbling around 10:30, and on other days, I have to make myself sit down and eat at 1:30 just so…

May 31, 2012 Jesi

If there’s one thing I’ve made abundantly clear with this blog, it is that I have a very deep appreciation for foods with bad reputations.  Thus, it should be a given that hamburgers hold a very special place in my heart, but to tell the truth, I’ve never really equated…

May 22, 2012 Jesi

  At first glance, this post probably looks super healthy.  It’s full of colorful, fresh veggies and  green, leafy herbs.  I just had a farm-fresh, vitamin-packed party, didn’t I?  Well, yes… and no.  Fresh salsa is extremely good for you.  But what you can’t see in these pictures is the…

May 18, 2012 Jesi 4Comment

                          I talk a lot on this blog about jobs– looking for jobs, losing jobs, maybe not being so crazy about jobs.  But let’s talk for a moment about quitting jobs. “Quit” is such a bad word; it…

May 11, 2012 Jesi

I’ve probably given the impression on this blog that I eat a lot of shrimp.  True, this is only the third time I’ve presented them, but given how small my blog is, and how much of it is focused on sweets, that’s still a lot of shrimp.  The truth is…

May 1, 2012 Jesi

I’ve had plenty of practice lately with turning life’s lemons into lemonade.  Don’t worry, I’m not about to talk about jobs or money—I’m going to talk about freeze-dried bananas. As I might have mentioned before, I have a weak spot for less-than-healthy snacks.  Banana chips have been at the top…

April 30, 2012 Jesi 4Comment

There are some kitchen projects that are completely easy and unintimidating, like quick pancakes or no-cook pesto.  There are some that can be a bit more labor-intensive, but still fun and calming, like yeasted bread.  And then there are some that scare the pants off me.  This is one of…

April 25, 2012 Jesi

I remember the very first time I made cookies by myself.  I don’t remember exactly how old I was, but it was during a break from school, and I was home alone, so I was obviously at that golden age where I no longer required child care but was still…

April 18, 2012 Jesi

This week is off to a refreshingly slow start, thanks to a day off for the Boston Marathon on Monday–apparently that’s kind of a big deal–and an inexplicably short shift at work today.  This has given me a rare chance to consider ways I’d like to spend my spare time,…

April 14, 2012 Jesi 4Comment

I’ve been down in the dumps a bit lately.  Not sick, not lovelorn, not even depressed, exactly… but just a little blah.  This is for a number of very legitimate reasons, but none that I’m going to discuss here, because I insist on making this blog a place for uplifting…

April 4, 2012 Jesi 2Comment

If the saying “you are what you eat” is to be believed, I think I can safely say that, in addition to coffee, spinach pesto, and Chipotle burritos, my body is composed largely of popcorn.  I’m not even kidding– I eat popcorn on a near-daily basis, a habit which has…

March 27, 2012 Jesi

I made a pie several weeks ago, which I intended to blog about right away.  I thought to myself yesterday, “You know, it’s been a few days.  I really should work on that pie post.”  And then I realized that it was the 26th, and I had made that pie…

March 14, 2012 Jesi 3Comment

When we were in 5th grade, my best friend Kristine went to visit her family in Japan.  Despite the agony of her being gone for two whole weeks (even though this was the year we were in separate classes, separate lunches, and separate recesses, and only saw each other long…

March 9, 2012 Jesi 1Comment

When I was a wee one, my parents used to take turns reading to my brother and me before bed.  Although my favorite memories are from when I was old enough to follow along with chapter books, I remember one particular storybook that was especially fun when my dad read…