March 25, 2014 Jesi

This recipe really made me ponder the meaning of the word “easy.”  While rice pudding is not technically a difficult dish to pull off, can I really say it was easy if it took me two days to make it?  If it required me to track down two obscure ingredients…

March 18, 2014 Jesi

Is there anything more comforting on a cold night than a big bowl of pasta and a glass of red wine?  The benefits are endless: it’s cheap (well, unless you splurge on the wine), it’s the easiest thing in the world to make, and since one box of spaghetti is…

March 14, 2014 Jesi 4Comment

There is a diner down the street from my workplace that, I have heard, makes the world’s best breakfast and brunch.  I’m inclined to believe it, since that diner is always busy, even on random weekday mornings when I pass by on the way to work.  It’s hard not to…

March 4, 2014 Jesi 1Comment

Every year around this time, all Bostonians take on a certain look: a few extra bags under the eyes, a hardening of the mouth, and slightly hunched shoulders.  It’s March, but the sun refuses to peek out from behind the clouds, and the temperature insists on hovering around 25 degrees….

February 24, 2014 Jesi

I like a good food trend as much as the next person– I have eaten more than my fair share of cupcakes, and I think food trucks are the best thing since the invention of the drive-thru– but the recent frenzy over macarons just has me stumped.  Macarons are not…

February 18, 2014 Jesi 1Comment

If you ask me, there’s nothing better than breakfast.  Lunch is pleasant enough, and dinner certainly has its charms, but breakfast is a little bit magical, if you think about it.  Breakfast invites you to begin your day with intention– even if it’s just a bowl of cereal and a…

February 10, 2014 Jesi 2Comment

I’m pretty sure there’s nothing more laughable than showing up on a food blog in this, the year of our Lord 2014, to extol the virtues of mac and cheese.  The fact that baked, cheesy noodles with creamy sauce and crispy crust is incredible will come as a surprise to…

February 4, 2014 Jesi

What can I tell you about these scones that will accurately capture the wonder that they are, and the pure joy it brought me to make them?  Imagine that you had a free day and the luxury of spending several hours of it slowly, leisurely putting these scones together.  Imagine…

January 27, 2014 Jesi 1Comment

During my first couple years of college, when the spring semester would end, I’d pack up the entire contents of my dorm room, cram it all into my Honda Passport, and drive two whole hours to my parents’ house, where I’d spend the summer.  I always had some sort of job…

January 21, 2014 Jesi 1Comment

I want to start this blog post by saying a big ol’ thank you to my workplace and my boss– without my job, my lunch today would never have happened, and I don’t want to imagine a world in which I had not just eaten this dish for lunch.  It’s…

January 13, 2014 Jesi 1Comment

Remember last week, when I told you about the hyper-sweet macadamia nut and almond butter I made?  And remember how I told you that it was so incredibly sweet that I could barely eat it?  I thought I took it in stride– I carefully packaged it up, tucked it in…

January 10, 2014 Jesi

Oh, hello, new year!  It’s nice to see you.  You’ve been pretty great so far, but at only six days in, I can’t help but wonder what you have in store for me.  I’ll go ahead and let you know that 2013 left you some pretty big shoes to fill….

December 27, 2013 Jesi 1Comment

It’s the day after Christmas, and for the first time in a few years, I am spending it not at my parents’ house, but in Boston.  I miss my family, of course, but it’s not all bad.  Alex and I spent Christmas day with our Boston family (hi Joe and…

December 19, 2013 Jesi

For an avid cookie baker, there is no better time of year than Christmas.  When else is it acceptable– desirable– expected, even– to run around town handing out fresh-baked cookies to everyone you meet?  During what other season can you go through an entire pound of butter each week and not…

November 25, 2013 Jesi 1Comment

Can we all take a moment to reflect on the wonders of winter squash?  It’s one of my favorite things in the whole world, and probably one of the biggest reasons why the end of the year is my favorite time of year.  To be fair, summer squash is also…