November 11, 2013 Jesi 5Comment

Have I mentioned how much I love Autumn?  Oh, right, it’s all I’ve blogged about in October and November for the last three years.  There’s just something about fall that makes me feel hopeful and alive, despite the fact that it’s the prelude to the cold, dark season I so…

November 6, 2013 Jesi 4Comment

Oh, hello, blog!  I feel like we haven’t talked in a while.  I’ve missed you!  How’s things been? It’s hard to believe it’s been three months since my last post, but the truth is that I barely stopped to breathe in all that time.  Alex and I packed up and…

July 26, 2013 Jesi

If it seems like I’ve fallen off the face of the blogging earth lately, that’s because, well, I have.  There are good reasons for this; the old “too hot to turn on the oven” excuse is as valid as ever, and I haven’t done any baking whatsoever since that cake…

June 27, 2013 Jesi

                          It’s officially summer in Boston: that magical time of year when the temperature is only marginally cooler indoors than out, you break a sweat just washing dishes, and all clothing that touches the legs or arms gets…

June 3, 2013 Jesi 1Comment

A few weeks ago, Alex and I took a brief trip to Alabama to work out a few wedding details: food, church arrangements, flowers, that kind of thing.  And when I say brief, I mean that we touched down in Alabama on a Sunday around noon, and didn’t stop moving…

May 21, 2013 Jesi

I have been thinking about Paris a lot lately.  It’s hard not to; Paris-themed books and food and merchandise lurk around every corner these days.  My local bookstore is currently featuring a book chock full of Parisian photos organized by color (spoiler alert: there are lots of pastels).  Macarons appear…

May 3, 2013 Jesi

First, a disclaimer: I love cow’s milk.  (You might have picked up on that from all my recent cheese talk.)  Skim milk was my absolute favorite thing to drink as a kid, all the way up to college.  I had heard horror stories about the “freshman fifteen”– the weight gain…

April 30, 2013 Jesi 2Comment

If you have a normal schedule, like a normal person, then you will probably hate me for what I’m about to say.  But here it goes: I love Mondays. My current work week extends from Tuesday to Saturday, and while it can sometimes be disheartening to spend Saturday hard at…

April 19, 2013 Jesi 2Comment

At this point, there’s nothing I can say about the horrible bombings at the Boston Marathon that hasn’t been said already.  Over the last few days, floods of writers have taken to the internet to share their own reflections, and they’ve done so passionately, angrily, and probably more eloquently than…

March 26, 2013 Jesi 1Comment

You would think that I’d be sick of cheese by now. For the past three months, I have been sleeping and breathing cheese (and obviously eating it), not only at my cheesemongering job, but also as an intern at a cheese magazine.  When I’m not selling cheese, I’m writing about…

March 10, 2013 Jesi 3Comment

Academically, I believe that spring is coming.  I sprang my clock forward last night, March equinox is in ten days, and Girl Scouts are hawking their cookies on every corner.  But actually, spring feels as far away as it ever did.  This is my fourth winter in Boston, so I…

February 17, 2013 Jesi

I think it’s time for me to admit that I am an overachiever.  This isn’t exactly news; my overachieving and its consequences have a long and well-documented history.  Exhibit A: in second grade I decided to write a report about my favorite bird—the blue-footed booby—just for the heck of it,…

January 28, 2013 Jesi 2Comment

I have had granola on the brain for the past few weeks.  And, well, if I’m honest, for the past several years.  If I remember correctly, one of Alex’s brothers used to call me “Granola” from time to time– more as a tease than a compliment, but I wore the…

January 16, 2013 Jesi

I have a weird relationship with eggplant.  I’ve always wanted to like it, but could never convince myself that it tasted good.  I know– normal people either like a food or don’t, and they don’t spend a lot of time worrying about it one way or another.  But when I…

January 7, 2013 Jesi 1Comment

You might have guessed from the photo that this post is not about food.  It’s about Alex. You’ve probably noticed Alex lurking about in several photos and posts.  It’s usually his hands chopping the onions, washing the dishes, and doing all the other tasks I don’t like to do.  He’s…