September 24, 2021 Jesi

If there’s any food in my life that really embodies that old cliché, “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone,” it’s boiled peanuts. These things are everywhere in the Deep South. You can buy them at gas stations, roadside produce markets, the concession stand at the ballpark, or if you’re really in a pinch, at the grocery store, in a can. I always loved boiled peanuts and would gladly eat them whenever they were available, but I never really bothered to seek them out on my own while I was living in Alabama. It wasn’t until I was…

July 19, 2020 Jesi 1Comment

Hello from Minneapolis, where I am wrapping up my fourth month of this whole thing. I’m still happy to be working from my kitchen table instead of my office (and let’s be honest, it’s good to be working at all), but… I don’t even know, y’all. Some days it just feels like everything is terrible, and those days are getting more and more frequent. Since I can’t go wander the library stacks, or sit quietly in an art museum gallery, or any of the other non-food-related things I like to do when I’m feeling bad, stress baking it is! And…

July 27, 2018 Jesi 1Comment

One of the weirdest things about leaving the food industry, for me, was getting used to working at a desk again. I remember being shown to my desk at my first job after quitting the cheese biz and feeling like it was too good to be true—all that desk space, just for me, with a chair to sit in, ample room to move around, and drawers to fill with my own stuff. I’d had office/administrative responsibilities in my previous jobs, but no dedicated place to do them, so having my own space was a game changer. There are drawbacks to…

February 8, 2015 Jesi 1Comment

Confession time: I do not like beans.  I feel that, as someone who loves food, nutrition, and frugality, this is one of the worst, most shocking things I could possibly say, but it’s true.  I have never cared for beans (except for beans that are green, and beans that turn into coffee).  This has closed off to me a world of foods that other people seem to find delicious: chili, bean dip, certain burritos, countless soups.  Being a food person who doesn’t like beans is like being a Christian who doesn’t like contemporary Christian music: you’re entitled to your opinion, of…